Single Use Plastic – what can YOU do?

It is becoming increasingly obvious that, as a planet, our approach to environmental responsibility needs to step up a significant level. As an event catering company, we have come to this conclusion not just from an altruistic point of view, but also from self-preservation. How can we create incredible dishes if all the food sources…

Imaginative and engaging charity events

Clients planning charity events often tell us that one of their biggest fears is a dull or cheap looking event. Not only do they feel this will reflect badly on the charity, but also on their own judgement – despite the obvious limitations caused by the usual budgetary constraints. At Bubble, we believe that every…

Thank you

We would like to say a huge thank you to everyone who supported our #Bubbleadvent initiative back in December. We worked with some incredible charities and social enterprises, and we very much look forward to continuing our efforts this year. For more details on the many causes we engaged with over the 25 days, check…

Bubble taps into water

As one of a number of new Corporate & Social Responsibility activities, we are delighted to announce our new tap water initiative. Given that Thames water is ranked top for water quality in England and Wales, we have begun to actively encourage our clients to opt for tap water for their events (as permitted by the venue),…